Thursday, June 21, 2018

012 Why do Indian Prime MInisters depend on Imported Bourgeoisie Economists?

One question which pesters my mind all the time is "Why does India, and why do Indian Prime Ministers always depend on Imported Economists? The Context for my internal turmoil today, is the News of the Exit of Mr. Arvind Subrahmanian, Chief Financial Adviser to Government of India. Reason as disclosed by Shri Subrahmanian himself and the Finance Minister Shri Arun Jaitley: "...He would like to go back to the United States on account of pressing family commitments... He left me with no option but to agree with him...". "...On the expiry of the three year I had requested him to continue for some more time. Even at that stage he told me that he was torn between family commitment and his current job which he considered the best and most fulfilling he has ever done. ... "

Is Competence, really a criterion for selection of CFA, and RBI Governor?

Mr. Arun Jaitley is reported to have, about choosing the successor for Mr. Subrahmaniyan, observed as under:--
"...The criteria should be competence, competence, competence, ..."

ybrao-a-donkey's personal views not intended to be imposed on others:--

1. India is a poor country, with half of the population still eking out an existence of semi-starvation, though this may not get reflected in official figures of poverty and growth rate, GDP Statistics.

Incomplete. Shall add / delete / modify shortly.

subject: United States and the Global Business Terms.
How to answer: Just , click the answer which you consider as the best. Press the 'get score button' when you are done. You can press the 'get score' button any number of times even in the midst of test. Press 'reset' if you want to try afresh.

Here is a small MCQ Test.

1.Which of the following European countries is not considered having a weak economy?
Greece Spain Italy France

2.Largest economy of the European Union:
France Britain Germany Italy

3.Ms. Christine Lagarde is the 2011 chair-person of
World Bank IMF WTO IDA

4.Countries experiencing balance of trade difficulties can avail overdraft from
IDA IMF WTO World Bank

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